* Returns the ABI for the specified contract in ethcode.
* @param {string} name - Name of the contract for which to retrieve the ABI.
* @returns {Promise<readonly ContractABI[] | readonly JsonFragment[] | undefined>} - ABI of the specified contract, `undefined` if the ABI cannot be retrieved.
* Returns the address of the specified contract in ethcode.
* @param {string} name - Name of the contract for which to retrieve the address.
* @returns {Promise<string | undefined>} - The address of the specified deployed contract, or undefined if the address cannot be retrieved.
* Returns the function input JSON for the specified contract in ethcode.
* @param {string} name - Name of the contract for which to retrieve the function input.
* @returns {Promise<object | undefined>} - The function input JSON for the specified contract, or undefined if the input cannot be retrieved.
* Returns the constructor input file for the specified contract in ethcode .
* @param {string} name - Name of the contract for which to retrieve the constructor input.
* @returns {Promise<object | undefined>} - The constructor input object for the specified contract, or undefined if the input cannot be retrieved.