
Ethcode exports a wallet API for developers to securely access user accounts within the vscode environment.

Ethcode wallet API exports an ethersjs Signer. If any web3js user finds the signer or provider incompatiable, they might want to use Eip1193Bridge from ethersproject - https://docs.ethers.org/v5/api/experimental/#experimental-eip1193bridge.

wallet.get(account: string) => Promise<Wallet>

* Returns Wallet object of ethers.js for the given account.
* @param account - The account to retrieve information for.
* @returns A Promise that resolves to a Wallet object of ethers.js.
get: (account: string) => Promise<Wallet>

wallet.list() => Promise<string[]>

* Returns a list of all accounts present in ethcode.
* @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of account addresses.
list: () => Promise<string[]>

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