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Network transaction gas price changes frequently depending on network difficulty. For example polygon gas tracker divides transaction gas into three categories
Standard: The amount of Gwei transferred for transactions is low compared to the fast and rapid category. preference of adding your transaction to block is less by the miner or validator. the transaction can take up to 30secs-60secs.
Fast: The amount of Gwei transferred for transactions is high compared to the standard but less than the rapid category. preference of adding your transaction to the block is more compared to the standard category by the miner or validator. the transaction can take up to 10secs-30secs.
Rapid: The amount of Gwei transferred for transactions is high compared to the standard and Fast categories. The transaction is very fast and can take only 5secs - 10secs to complete.
You can also set your own transaction gas strategy in Ethcode according to your choice. the transaction strategy in Ethcode is categorised in three parts:
High - Supply of gas is more and comes under the Rapid category.
Medium - The supply of gas is medium and comes under the Fast category.
Low - The supply of gas is less and comes under the Standard category.
How you can set your transaction strategy in Ethcode:
ctrl + shift + P
- command to open VScode commands palate.
Ethcode: Set transaction gas strategy
- command to set transaction gas strategy in Ethcode.
3. Select your choice.